September 11, 2010

Excellent words seen best on Mars

Yard sale loser
Bad chef cookies
Evil witch cauldron stew
Mental wet-nurse
Nine mile wide pajamas
Road kill breakfast soup
Peaceful winter leather suit
Deskjocky earning riot
Happenstance revolves in naked circles
Every sight remains the same
Chocolate wishes burn the dishes
Right wing left mental creases
Cheese burns with self delight
No reply heaven beside us
God remembers lusts reward
Helpless infant cleanse the wall
Return my chest in perfect color
Never written with a pen
Barrack remains a perfect friend
Welcome issues return the favor
Replace my one last drop of purple passion
Nestled in the womb so tight
Reading here by candlelight
Open window flies the truth
Gaining momentum with every word
Searched in vain for apples seed
Tea and crumpets fight my battles
Open rage is its own reward
Sex returns for second courses


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