February 6, 2010

How do you manage stress relief

Exercise is probably the best stress reliever. Your mind can be blank or all worked up. It doesn't matter because your body is taking care of everything. There is a minimum health requirement though - if you're in poor health and in bad condition you could drop dead.
Sex is good but you need a friend to make it really effective. And if you're truly stressed about something it can be hard to get your mind on task. And if you can't get things going that could cause even more stress.
Talking can work if it leads to a satisfying solution or you're able to vent and rant enough to purge your system of anger/resentment or whatever is causing the stress.
Junk food has never worked for me but it might for some. However there is the risk of nausea and vomiting. When I was ten I ate so much chocolate I was sick in bed for two days. Now I can't stand the sight of it.
Yelling can work but you have to do it until you're hoarse.
Meditation is effective but it takes a lot of practice and therefore takes a while to learn. Also, like sex, if you're really hopped up about something then it can be difficult to concentrate and relax.
And of course there is alcohol, smoking and other drugs but they have many side effects not to mention health effects.  But drugs can be effective.
Writing in a journal, graffiti, or whatever, could work if you're the right type of person I guess.
Hobbies are good for relaxation but generally not up to snuff for serious stress relief.
As a last resort, if none of these others appeals to you, you could always try beating up somebody. From what I can tell it seems to be most effective on little brothers.


Jane said...

This is a great list. You should showcase this some how. Get the word out!

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