February 9, 2010

How much money do the top movie stars make

The following list comes from forbes.com for 2009. It  includes a few producers but is mostly actors. The list is not exactly a list of top earners.  The Forbes list, the 'Celebrity 100' is supposed to be a list of the most 'powerful' celebrities. So there are other actors who should be included based solely on earnings.
In millions of dollars:

  1. Oprah Winfrey        275
  2. George Lucas        170
  3. Steven Spielberg    150
  4. Jerry Bruckheimer    100
  5. Jerry Seinfeld        85
  6. Dr. Phil McGraw    80
  7. Simon Cowell        75
  8. Tyler Perry        75
  9. Harrison Ford        65
  10. Larry David        55
  11. Adam Sandler        55
  12. Will Smith        45
  13. David Letterman    45
  14. Brian Grazer/Ron Howard    45
  15. Chris Rock        42
  16. Nicolas Cage        40
  17. Eddie Murphy        40
  18. Ryan Seacrest        38
  19. Clint Eastwood        35
  20. Tom Hanks        35
  21. Ellen DeGeneres    35
  22. Tom Cruise        33
  23. Jay Leno        32
  24. Jim Carrey        30
  25. Jeff Dunham        30
  26. Brad Pitt        28
  27. Angelina Jolie        27
  28. Sarah Jessica Parker    27
  29. Jennifer Aniston    25
  30. Miley Cyrus        25
  31. George Clooney    25
  32. Daniel Radcliffe        25
  33. Meryl Streep        24
  34. Charlie Sheen        21
  35. Cameron Diaz        20
  36. Steve Carell        20
  37. Katherine Heigl        18
  38. Serena Williams    17
  39. Sandra Bullock        17
  40. Reese Witherspoon    15
  41. Rachael Ray        15
  42. Jon Stewart        14
  43. Drew Barrymore    12
  44. Hugh Laurie        10
  45. Nicole Kidman        9
  46. Eva Longoria Parker    9
  47. Alec Baldwin        8
  48. Mariska Hargitay    8
  49. Anne Hathaway    7
  50. Tina Fey        7
  51. Jennifer Love Hewitt    6


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