September 24, 2010

Chilean sea bass is actually Patagonian toothfish

I thought it was interesting that the fishing industry renames species to make them more palatable to the consumer. I would agree that Chilean sea bass sounds better than Patagonian toothfish.
Dissostichus eleginoides
Patagonian toothfiss
aka Chilean sea bass
Slimehead was renamed orange roughy and now Asian carp is being renamed silverfin.
Hoplostethus atlanticus
aka orange roughy
At least in the case of the Asian carp re-branding is hopefully a good thing. It seems these fish have become an invasive species in Lake Michigan. They were introduced in the South 1970s to devour algae in catfish ponds and eventually escaped and made their way up the Mississippi River. So by eating silverfin consumers can help reduce the numbers of this invasive fish, or so the theory goes.
See Seafood Watch for info on fish not to eat.


Allen said...

mmm yea how about some slimehead for dinner.

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