January 19, 2010

Words of love and romance

Since Valentine's Day is coming soon I decided to compile some written expressions of love.

For those in love:

When I'm with you the whole world melts away.

Because of you I know what love is.

When we dance I feel as though we're alone on the dance floor, everyone else just fades away. All I see is your beautiful face.

My love for you has made me so happy I feel as if my feet hardly touch the ground.

As long as I'm with you the world could end and I wouldn't be scared.

Your touch feels as though an angel is reaching down to me.

Your touch moves me to the core of my being.

The closeness of you, the warmth of your breath, can bring me to the highest place beyond my imagination.

When two lovers must part:

When the winds blow and we are blown with them, perhaps to opposite sides of the sun, the moon will always reflect the glow of these last days we have spent together because of you.

Warmth abounds with your affection and anyone lucky and receptive enough to feel it should be proud to call you friend.

I'll always cherish the time we've spent together.


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