October 17, 2008

Words and phrases that mean "death", "dead"

  • A stiff
  • At room temperature
  • Be taken
  • Belly-up - comes from fishing. A fish that's belly-up is dead.
  • Below-ground
  • Bereft of life
  • Bite the big one
  • Bite the dust
  • Bloodless
  • Bought the farm
  • Breathless
  • Bumped off
  • Buried
  • Buy a pine condo
  • Cash in one's chips
  • Cash out
  • Ceased to be
  • Checked out
  • Cold
  • Croaked
  • Crossed over
  • Curled up his tootsies
  • Curtains
  • Cut off
  • Dead
  • Dead as a doornail
  • Deceased
  • Demised
  • Departed
  • Dirt nap
  • Done for
  • Eat it
  • Erased
  • Ex-animate
  • Expired
  • Extinct
  • Finished
  • Flying with the angels
  • Get your wings
  • Give up the ghost
  • Going to the _____ in the sky
  • Gone
  • Gone the way of all flesh
  • Gone to a better place
  • Gone to Davy Jones locker
  • Gone to Heaven
  • Gone to meet his maker
  • Gone to one's narrow bed
  • Gone to reward - Mark Twain in Life on the Mississippi (1883) wrote: "He went to his reward, whatever it was, two years ago." This is supposed to be the first recorded use of the phrase.
  • Got a one way ticket
  • In a better place
  • In Heaven
  • In repose
  • In the grave
  • Inactive
  • Inanimate
  • Inert
  • Is no more
  • Joined the choir invisible
  • Kicked the bucket
  • Laid to rest
  • Late
  • Lifeless
  • Liquidated
  • Lost
  • Metabolic processes are now history
  • No longer with us
  • No more
  • Not of this world
  • Offed
  • Out of one's misery
  • Passed away
  • Passed on
  • Perished
  • Pushing up the daisies
  • Reposing
  • Rest in peace
  • Rubbed out
  • Run down the curtain
  • Shuffled off the mortal coil
  • Six feet under
  • Sleeping with the fishes
  • Snuffed out
  • Spiritless
  • Sprouted wings
  • Succumbed
  • Swimming with the fishes
  • To breathe one's last
  • Unanimated
  • Wacked
  • With God
  • With one's ancestors
  • Worm food



Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Cool list.

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