What is the perfect kiss? Is it about romance, technique or about being in love? The answer is not necessarily all three. And your answer may depend on your gender. Apparently something like 50% of women say kissing is their favorite "intimate" activity.
But for the perfect kiss the person you're kissing will probably matter quite a bit and of course your technique will matter too. But the "best" technique will depend on you. The fact is what people like in kissing varies quite a bit. What one person calls a good technique another may frown on. There isn't really a "right" answer to technique, within reason. So just as attraction to your partner is paramount, so too is kissing style. When I was twenty I had a girl tell me I was a good kisser, which surprised me. But eventually I realized what she really meant was that she liked the way I kissed. We were right for each other.
So to have the perfect kiss you need the right person (attraction or chemistry - desire), compatible kissing styles, technique and romance. Romance is what separates a good or even a great kiss from the perfect kiss. To truly create the perfect kiss you need intimacy. You need the right words and looks to build that connection soul to soul.
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