September 13, 2008

TiVo is great

I've had TiVo for about seven years or so now so I know it well. I originally got TiVo because of the time shifting capabilities. I would sit down to watch TV about 10:30 pm after everyone else in my house had gone to bed but there wasn't much on that I wanted to watch. I remember watching a lot of Leave it to Beaver reruns. Then along came TiVo and I could watch whatever I wanted whenever I wanted. In addition, I could use it to easily zip past the commercials. And the auto recording capability was amazing. Setting it to search and record all show of a particular actor, subject, title etc. and having it auto record all regular shows that I wanted to watch. Anyway, all these years later I can't imagine watching TV without it. I find it annoying now to watch unrecorded shows because of the commercials. So I highly recommend TiVo if you can get it. Not all DVR (digital video recorder) services are the same however. I recently added another receiver because I wanted HD and since DirecTV (my signal provider) does not offer a TiVo HD DVR at this point I had to get their DVR system – not as good. TiVo is the best in my opinion. I think something like only 15% of the TV households have DVR service. I gotta say if you watch TV and you don't want to be tied to the broadcaster's schedule or you want to skip the commercials TiVo is for you too.


Anonymous said...

I agree. Tivo is the best.

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